What Are The First 1000 Days?

The first 1000 days of life are a transformative time for your growing baby. Beyond their physical and behavioral growth, it’s the time of highest neuroplasticity, which is the ability to learn and adapt. This miraculous time can be utilized to develop lifelong habits. Infant nutrition and food practice impact how your child will manage anger, stress, personal attachments, their relationship with food, and more.

Happy Baby Belly is here to support mamas in the first 3 years of their journey, creating a foundation of health and wellness for their growing child. Our program is based on current research and designed to help you nourish yourself, recover from childbirth, and face each challenge that comes your way. We empower you to personalize the growth and development of your child in a need-oriented, empathetic way that allows them to grow into thriving and resilient adults. 

You’re not alone on this amazing rollercoaster of love, blood, milk, tears, and kisses. Sign up for our free class now to learn more about the first 1000 days!

5 phases of 1000 days


A wondrous time of transformation, growth, and learning.


Heal, bond, and introduce your infant to (friends and family)// to the world.


Magic from breasts and bottles and what to eat while breastfeeding.

starting solids

How to introduce solid foods. A messy and exciting time full of new flavors!

family food

Eating together with the entire family and forming lifelong nutrition rituals.

Sign Up For The Free 1000 Day Class

 Take our free class to learn more about why the first 1000 days of life are so important. Learn ways you can support your growing baby during this unique time.

How Happy Baby Belly Supports You

#1 Motivate

Pregnancy motivates many moms-to-be to reflect on their lifestyle and implement new, healthier habits. This goes beyond giving up alcohol, to adjusting your diet to provide your body and baby with nutrients that support healthy development.

#2 Nourish

You are a goddess, and your body should be cherished in every season of life. Pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery are stressful physically and emotionally. Good food helps you navigate stress eating, food cravings, and fluctuating hormones.

#3 Educate

Why is mom and infant nutrition so important? There are a variety of lifestyle changes to consider, but they are all linked to the quality of your food and how it is consumed. Learn how to develop habits for you and your baby while lowering their risk of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and more.

#4 Relate

Food plays an essential role in culture and social connection. Beyond understanding what you should eat, it’s important to understand how you think about food. Your relationship with food during this formative time shapes your child’s lifelong relationship with food.

Quote -

“Children need to feel calm, safe and supported”

-Dr. Tim Moore

Our 6-Week Online Program Includes:

  1. A deep dive into the key nutrients mama and baby need in each stage of development and where to get these nutrients.

  2. Biweekly Q&A to personalize your journey and address your unique needs.

  3. Empowering information about early childhood development, inspirational cooking lessons, and tips and tricks that are easy to implement. 

  4. Ongoing access from pregnancy to toddlerhood, with full access to all classes for 3 years from the date of purchase. 

  5. Simple dietary changes that include foods you enjoy and at-your-own-pace nutritional changes.

Get Started For FREE!

Learn the unique development stages within the transformational first 1000 days of life in our free class!

 This class explores the importance of this amazing time of growth and transformation. It covers the unique stages of infant development and how to build a foundation for a happy life. Take your free class now!