Get to Know who is behind Happy Baby Belly

Happy Baby Belly was created by Judith Nanasi to give moms-to-be support and guidance during the first 1000 days, from conception until their child’s second birthday. During this foundational time, your child develops a life-long relationship with food, health, and wellness. We also teach you how to gently adjust your nutrition to support your body while it creates the miracle of life. 

You are sure to be feeling overwhelmed right now, with misinformation, outdated knowledge, and unsolicited advice. I know I did when I was pregnant (and as a young mom)—No two pregnancies are the same, which is why I created this program. The hybrid model of at-your-own-pace digital blended with live sessions ensures you have a trusted friend and resource who understands your journey.

Happy Baby Belly is here to listen, encourage, and explain what you need to know to make empowered decisions on your unique path of pregnancy and motherhood.

Nourish your body and soul while pregnant and create a foundation for lifelong health and well-being for your family.

Empower you to follow your intuition and personalize your approach because every pregnancy is unique.

Support for moms and babies during the formative first 1000 days of life.

How Happy Baby Belly Helps?

  • Introduction to the key nutrients required and important developmental stages during pregnancy and for you and your baby until their 2nd birthday.

  • Guide you on how to make small nutritional changes without compromising the foods you love.

  • Instill confidence and a sense of relief that you are providing your body and your infant with the nutrients required to thrive. 

  • Personalize your approach and impart realistic advice for navigating motherhood and balancing a busy schedule.

  • Recognize your baby’s cues and determine when and how to begin introducing new foods.

“You are not only creating a baby, you are also transforming into a mother“

Heng Ou - The first forty days

Our values

Every pregnancy is unique, every mom is unique, and every baby is unique. Listen to your body and your baby to personalize your journey.

You Are Unique!

Factual and Current!

Our program is based on the most recent data from well-respected global research and health organizations. No outdated guidance!

Our hybrid program includes live sessions to ensure you feel seen and heard so that you never feel alone in your decision-making.

We Hear You!

Be Curious!

We pique your curiosity and encourage you to notice the way your body and life are changing. Ask and answer the questions that arise with intention. 

Fun isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind when you think of nutrition, but this isn’t a diet—it’s a fun, delicious, and enriching experience.

The Fun of Food!

My path to Happy Baby Belly

Happy Baby Belly is a guiding light for moms. I can’t wait to grow together!

Hello! My name is Judith Nanasi, and yes, I was born in Germany. I have a master’s degree in social science, am a certified dietary coach for babies and moms and the founder of Happy Baby Belly. I always had an interest in how children grow and develop into their fully realized selves.

My journey through pregnancy and early motherhood helped me recognize the role food and nutrition play in this transitional time for both mom and baby. Unfortunately, nutrition is an often-overlooked part of our lives beyond generic recommendations to increase caloric intake or to stop drinking while pregnant and breastfeeding. The food industry increasingly prioritizes processed foods with little to no nutritional value. Moms need the right information to make the best decision—especially as your body nourishes the little miracle of life growing inside.

  • My obstetrician was outstanding in terms of my pregnancy, but I lacked the support I needed for the changes in my day-to-day life. I wanted guidance on how to set a healthy foundation for myself, my baby, and my family. I struggled to find specific, correct, and consistent answers to basic questions. This led me on my own path of research and self-discovery.

    As my knowledge grew, I knew I wasn’t alone in my frustration. Eager to help other moms, I enrolled in a 2-year dietary coaching program in 2021. I took extra courses to specialize in nutrition for pregnancy, infancy, and childhood.

    Happy Baby Belly’s program is founded on current research that women can use to build a foundation of health and wellness. My hybrid model of digital and live sessions ensures that moms like you have a trusted friend and advisor who understands where you are and what you need.

    I will teach and guide you through the connection between pregnancy, nutrition and early leaning and how and when to introduce foods to your baby. You will learn tips and tricks for navigating pregnancy and motherhood against your busy schedule.

    The first 1000 days in your child’s life will be a mix of emotions. It will be exciting and challenging. It will be filled with immense joy and love, and some tears too. An abundance of cuteness, to get you through a level of sleep deprivation first-time moms didn’t know was possible.

    Happy Baby Belly is here to listen, explain, encourage, and convey what you need to know to make empowered decisions on your unique path of pregnancy and motherhood.

Still Not Clear On The Importance Of The First 1000 Days? Begin Your Journey For Free!

Sign up to receive access to Happy Baby Belly’s free class that will teach you why nutrition is significant during this stage of life. This program isn’t a diet, it’s a nutritional foundation for lifelong health and well-being!

Still Have Questions?

We love connecting with moms to hear your thoughts, answer your questions, and learn what’s important to you!